Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 12

Researching accessible features for Second Life (SL) has been eye opening and very encouraging. In the regular today-to-today part of my job, I have to deal with people who see this as more of a nuisance than any benefit to anyone. Having a whole new venue for people to use and be educated is exciting on many levels; it's also going to be a tough sell. People have a hard time "seeing" how anyone who has a sensory impairment, could enjoy SL they the way they do. Ironically, it's that way for the rest of their lives. Last Friday, I listened to a blind person describe all the obstacles she's had over her life (she was 55 years old), the biggest one was other people telling her what she could or could not do. This included her family and every employer she ever had. Hopefully, society will change its views.

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